
1.Discovery of Oral Anticancer 1,2-Bis(hydroxymethyl)benzo[g]pyrrolo[2,1-a]phthalazine Hybrids that Inhibit Angiogenesis and Induce DNA Crosslinks., Chen TL, Patel AS, Jain V, Kuppusamy R, Lin YW, Hou MH, Su TL*, Lee TC, J Med Chem, 2021, 64, 12469-12486
2.Antitumor Effects of the Novel Quinazolinone Holu-12: Induction of Mitotic Arrest and Apoptosis in Human Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma CAL27 Cells., Lai KC, Chia YT, Yih LH, Lu YL, Chang ST, Hong ZX, Chen TL# and Hour MJ#, * co-corresponding author, Anticancer Research 2021, 41: 259-268
3.Design and Synthesis of 1,2-Bis(hydroxymethyl)pyrrolo[2,1-a]phthalazine Hybrids as Potent Anticancer Agents that Inhibit Angiogenesis and Induce DNA Interstrand Crosslinks. Chang SM*, Jain Vicky*, Chen TL*, Patel Anilkumar, Pidugu HB, Lin YW, Wu MH, Huang JR, Wu HC, Shah Anamik, Su TL, Lee TC. J Med Chem, * co-first author, 2019 Mar,62(5):2404-2418.
4.A low-toxicity DNA-alkylating N-mustard-quinoline conjugate with preferential sequence specificity exerts potent antitumor activity against colorectal cancer. Chen TL, Lin YW, Chen YB, Lin JJ, Su TL, Shen CN, Lee TC. Neoplasia 2018 Feb; 20(2):119-130.
5.Disruption of IGF-1R signaling by a novel quinazoline derivative (HMJ-30) inhibits metastasis and induces reverse epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) process in osteosarcoma cells. Chiu YJ, Hour MJ, Jin YA, Lu CC, Tsai FJ, Chen TL, Ma H, Juan YN, and Yang JS. International Journal of Oncology 2018 Jan 5; 2018;52(5):1465-1478.
6.Novel N-mustard-benzimidazoles/benzothiazoles hybrids, synthesis and anticancer uation. Detroja D, Chen TL, Lin YW, Maheriya K, Yen TY, Wu MH, Tsai TH, Kakadiya R, Lee TC*, Shahe A, Su TL. Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 2017 May 22; ;17(13):1741-1755.
7.Novel indolizino[8,7-b]indole hybrids as anti-small cell lung cancer agents: Regioive modulation of topoisomerase II inhibitory and DNA crosslinking activities. Chang SM, Christian W, Wu MH, Chen TL, Lin YW, Suen CS, Pidugu HB, Detroja D, Shah A, Hwang MJ, Su TL, Lee TC. Eur J Med Chem. 2017 Feb; 127:235-249.
8.MJ-66 induces malignant glioma cells G2/M phase arrest and mitotic catastrophe through regulation of cyclin B1/Cdk1 complex. Liu WT, Chen C, Lu IC, Kuo SC, Lee KH, Chen TL, Song TS, Lu YL, Gean PW, Hour MJ. Neuropharmacology. 2014 Nov; 86:219-2.
9.The synthesis and biological uation of new DNA-directed alkylating, phenyl N-mustard-4-anilinoquinoline conjugates containing a urea linker. Marvania B, Kakadiya R, Christian W, Chen TL, Wu MH, Suman S, Tala Kiran, Lee TC, Shah A, Su TL. Eur J Med Chem. 2014 Aug 18;83:695-708.
10.Combined versus monotherapy or concurrent therapy for treatment of thalassaemia. Song TS, Hsieh YW, Peng CT, Chen TL, Lee HZ, Chung JG, Hour MJ. In Vivo. 2014 Jul-Aug;28(4):645-9.
11.A novel antitubulin agent, DPQZ, induces cell apoptosis in human oral cancer cells through Ras/Raf inhibition and MAP kinases activation. Hour MJ, Lee KT, Wu YC, Wu CY, You BJ, Chen TL, Lee HZ. Arch Toxicol. 2013 May;87(5):835-46.
12.Molecular modelling, synthesis, cytotoxicity and anti-tumour mechanisms of 2-aryl-6-substituted quinazolinones as dual-targeted anti-cancer agents. Hour MJ, Lee KH, Chen TL, Lee KT, Zhao Y, Lee HZ. Br J Pharmacol. 2013 Aug;169(7):1574-86.
13.Development of a fast LC-MS/MS assay for the determination of deferiprone in human plasma and application to pharmacokinetics. Song TS, Hsieh YW, Peng CT, Liu CH, Chen TL, Hour MJ. Biomed Chromatogr. 2012 Dec;26(12):1575-81.
14.The synthesized novel fluorinated compound (LJJ-10) induces death receptor- and mitochondria-dependent apoptotic cell death in the human osteogenic sarcoma U-2 OS cells. Hour MJ, Yang JS, Chen TL, Chen KT, Kuo SC, Chung JG, Lu CC, Chen CY, Chuang YH. Eur J Med Chem. 2011 Jul;46(7):2709-21.